The Power of the needle over the Science of Metabolic Health
13 August 2024

About our exclusive writer: Tuptim Malakul is an esteemed writer and interviewer known for engaging with high-powered and influential leaders. With a global upbringing, she was educated in England and raised in various countries during her father’s Ambassadorial postings, which has shaped her multicultural mindset.
In this exclusive blog series, Tuptim provides a genuine account from the perspective of a working woman who values her inner self and strives to live life to its fullest potential.
The Power of the needle over the Science of Metabolic Health
It either withdraws or infuses…
Reminding myself I need to be serious, (boring) and not be influenced by my own sarcasm with mockery in my tone, and pun in my words of which you might be (amused) and happily be persuaded to follow in the same adventure I am risking. But I am also fascinated how Clinique La Prairie came to this answer of longevity since 1931. The decision before writing was research and learn with unbiased feedback from a guinea-pig’s point of view.
You, the reader, decide.
IV’s are always associated with hospitals, ill health, life-line, but today it’s more on the positive side. Today’s particular IV, is for increasing longevity faster than from what ageing is destroying. Not much else was explained other than difficult to pronounce nutrients, that will help you feel better. I’m not that person that nods and agrees with those perceived to be more knowledgeable, it’s the dichotomy of a third culture personality.
Skepticism has always answered life’s intriguing spin on any promotional gimmick placed in front of me. Instead of orally swallowing vitamins, intravenous injections obviously gets it there faster in the world of immediate results for time-limited individuals or it dissipates as quick as it’s infusion for repeat sales. Fast, how fast? Is the excuse of immediate results the required selling point or will I even notice the difference?
Science and chemistry need to be explained with simple words. To fully comprehend the various concoction of the nutrients combined for the required results, Clinique La Prairie, unfortunately minimally details its properties of all the three Phases. The need to fully understand what was intravenously infused is a must. I was lucky to have had a lecture, in an uncomplicated jargon, by my London trained bodybuilder, health-coach nutritionist son on a recent visit from Elephant and Castle, London. It was time for me to accept the role reversal.
The Immunity and Regeneration drip Phase one (30 minutes) consists of a recipe combination of Glutathione, Magnesium sulfate, Selenium and Zinc. Allow me to give you my version, against googles.
- Glutathione: An Antioxidant. So what does that mean? It literally means substance that stops oxidation promoted by oxygen or free radicals. Exasperated, “What are free radicals?” They are unstable atoms that can damage cells causing illness and aging.
- Magnesium sulfate: A mineral that relieves constipation, migraine, chronic neuromuscular pain – then just realizing that it is only Epsom Salt glorified; a spoonful every evening then, was the answer in the swinging sixties playtime.
- Selenium: Naturally found in small amounts mainly in water, it has properties similar to sulfur, tellurium and arsenic. Selenium and Arsenic? These two metalloids both induce and cure cancer. What are metalloids? A chemical element that is composed of metal and non-metal.
Selenium deficiency and toxicity apparently can be dangerous but helps in the production of thyroid, reproduction, and in protection of free radicals. For proper growth and skeletal development, the correct amount of selenium lowers the risk of osteoporosis.
- Zinc: A component found in the body but not made by the body, involving hormones and neurotransmitters. Enhancing cognitive skills, from attention span, perception, learning memory, making decisions, including language skills.
Phase One - Infusing my bulging veins with the cocktail of the four ingredients finished in thirty minutes. I was surprised to feel nothing. Generally, if you’re ready for the operating theater, or shooting up heroin, intravenous injections have immediate effect. This one, I was waiting and waiting ever so patiently….
Having to rush, my meeting involved a late lunch that stretched until tea-time. Under normal circumstance my appointments are placed according to physical capabilities, but the window of their program had a bigger importance.
Traffic of horrendous proportions got me home just after sundown. Sitting down to Ratatouille, French bread, and Camembert, with a glass of Bordeaux, today’s adventure would have been impossible under my health conditions without the infusion. I had totally forgotten the morning’s elixir.
It restored my energy levels, my cognitive skills, the whole digestive cycle from the moment the nurse removed the needle. I just had not noticed being normal. There are a few days yet, before I draw any conclusions. Main lights turned out, my new book was this evening’s pleasure never got a page flipped over, for I had uninterrupted seven-hour sleep.
I’m beginning to be a believer in Clinique La Prairie’s underlying motives to have such a great effect on using their scientific knowledge in promoting Longevity. Believing is one thing, but laying that aside, what was behind this clinic’s innovation?
What is more interesting is how and why did Clinique La Prairie came up with this recipe of Zinc, Magnesium Sulfate, and Selenium. Is it a ‘Fix me Quick” to energize an overworked executive or really a life extension through understanding cellular deficiency. Curiosity led me to question what medical issues are there today screaming to be cured.
The US National Library of Medicine pointed me to their ongoing nutrient findings. Depression and Anxiety patients lack those very three above components. The studies are still inconclusive, yet La Prairie’s approach to the issue is more refreshing in providing longevity and wellness and personal individual care than pinpointing a major depressive diagnosis with a quick signed prescription of Clonazepam, Prozac, or Zoloft, in lifting the immediate complaint, yet not finding the true cause. ‘Next patient’ callout is a symptomatic reality of a busy medical institution.
And yet depression is a stigma that still jabs at the soul.
I am getting too serious now, I could possibly be jabbing at the nerve of an annoyed medical practitioner ready to punch me. Skepticism has helped my journey through life with less potholes to fall into, plus the joy of finding purity in a hard-graft, sales-pitch presentation meaningful.
Phase-Two – called Alpha Lipoic Acid. After consultation, I must skip this one for it is generally used for obesity and anyone who has a shortage of thiamine. I come packaged on the petite size and already taking thiamine in mega doses on a clinical trial to promote more dopamine.
Phase Three - called Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide or NAD. Just under two hours of infusion, 110 minutes of torture or relief? Although it’s a novel approach in therapy for brain illnesses, that counteracts neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington and ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), the side effect risks are for those with gallbladder disease, stomach ulcers, kidney failure and diabetes. If Dr. Savanya gives me the green light, then 110 minutes must be matched with something more reviting than a view of Rajadamri skyscrapers……maybe counseling therapy services?
The power of the needle infusing me, is Dr. Paul Niehans’s legacy, famous for inventing and developing cellular therapy even 50+ years ahead of the Lanserhof concept. It is with this thought that Longevity Hub Clinique La Prairie knows how to leave me walking away with gratitude.